Abstract | Klesanje je forma energije naziv je audio-vizualne instalacije koja predstavlja proces klesanja kamena a sastavljena je od nekoliko elemenata. To su: video, koji prikazuje proces klesanja kamenog bloka sve dok se ne pretvori u kamenu prašinu, kamena prašina kao završni produkt na postolju na kojemu sam klesala, zatim alat kojim sam klesala, radna odjeća koju sam nosila za vrijeme procesa te naposljetku i rukom ispisani Dnevnik klesanja.
U cjelokupnom radu vrlo je važan zvuk mantričkog, meditativnog ritma udaraca špice o kamen. Blok kamena je smrvljen, poništen. Ukazuje na spoj između dvije naizgled oprečne, ali neraskidive veze – s jedne strane rad prikazuje ljepotu i meditaciju samog čina klesanja i sve što sa sobom nosi ili odnosi. Nestaju svi problemi do toga časa i počinje kamen, problem, muke, teškoće i zvuk. S druge strane tendencija ka uništenju, odnosno poništenju kamena te samoj njegovoj dematerijalizaciji, ukazuje na razornu moć alata u rukama čovjeka, tvrdoglavost, volju, strpljenje, vrijeme... Izlažem materijalne i virtualne dokaze procesa klesanja kamena kao umjetnički rad:
Video je ključan element rada iz razloga što čini vidljivim cijeli proces poništenja jednog kamenog bloka. Važan segment videa je i dokumentirani zvuk klesanja. Osim što naglašava mantričku meditativnost samog procesa, ukazuje na izmjene ritma i snage udaraca te daje dinamiku cjelokupnoj instalaciji.
Kamena prašina sa većim i manjim komadićima razlomljenog kamena izložena na postamentu na kojemu sam klesala predstavlja (de)materijalizirani produkt procesa kao umjetničko djelo.
Oblačenje svakodnevno iste odjeće za vrijeme trajanja procesa klesanja, pretvorilo se svojevrsni performans, gotovo ritual. Ta odjeća više nije nevažna već postaje neodvojivi dio rada koji u sebi sadrži energiju i memoriju cijelog procesa. Izlažem je stoga kao još jedan segment instalacije.
Dnevnik klesanja:
U dnevniku klesanja svakoga sam dana zapisivala dojmove, napredak, osjećaje koji su me obuzimali tijekom rada. Jednako kao radnu odjeću, doživljavam ga bitnim dijelom procesa te ga kao takvog izlažem ravnopravno sa ostalim elementima instalacije. |
Abstract (english) | Sculpting is a form of energy is an audio-visual installation composed of several elements. A video showing the process of carving a stone block until it turns to stone dust, the dust on the pedestal, the tool I carved with, the clothes I wore during the process and a handwritten diary of the process itself.
The sound of the chanting, meditative rhythm of the spike's strikes on the stone is very important in the whole work. The stone block was crushed, annulled. It points to a connection between two seemingly contradictory, and perhaps unbreakable connections - on the one hand, the work depicts the beauty and meditation of the very act of carving and everything it carries or takes with it. All the problems disappear by that time, the stone, the problem of it, the torment, the difficulties and the sound begin. On the other hand, the tendency towards the destruction, in the annulment of the stone, and its dematerialization itself indicates the destructive power of tools in human hands, stubbornness, will, patience, time... I present material and virtual evidence of the process of stone carving as a work of art.
The video is a key element of the work because it makes the process of annulling the stone block visible. An important segment of the video is also the documented carving sound. In addition to emphasizing the mantric meditativeness of the process itself, it points to changes in the rhythm and strength of the beats and gives a dinamic experiance to the entire installation.
The stone dust with larger and smaller pieces of crushed stone displayed on the pedestal on which I carved represents a (de) materialized product of the process as a work of art.
Wearing the same clothes every day for the duration of the carving process turned into a kind of performance, almost a ritual for itself. These clothes are no longer unimportant but become an inseparable part of the work that contains the energy and memory of the whole process. I therefore present it as another segment of the installation.
Carving diary:
In the carving diary, I wrote down everyday impressions, the progress, the feelings that overwhelmed me during the work. Just like work clothes, I experience it as an important part of the process, and as such I expose it on an equal footing with other elements of the installation. |