Abstract | Pojam kič pojavljuje se potkraj XIX. stoljeća u krugovima münchenskim trgovcima umjetnina te se povezuje s glagolom kitschen: „brzo sklepati, napraviti“. Iako pojam nije bio korišten u literaturi prije početka XX. stoljeća, kič neupitno odgovara pojmu loš ukus, analiziranim od strane filozofa Humea i Kanta. Kič svoj vrhunac dostiže u razdoblju druge polovice XX., tijekom nastanka prvih masovnih tržišta i društva masovne potrošnje. Industrijalizacijom nastaju jeftini kič-predmeti namijenjeni potrošačima koji teže estetskim izražavanjem, time stvarajući kič-čovjeka, konzumenta i stvaratelja lošeg ukusa. U literaturi su se pojmom bavili brojni autori poput Gustava Pazaureka, Hermanna Brocha, Clementa Greenberga, Gillesa Dorflesa, Ludwiga Giesza, Umberta Eca, itd. Pojavni oblici kiča su raznoliki i pronalaze se u svim sferama života: od politike, religije, turizma, mode, pornografije do tradicionalnih umjetničkih oblika. S obzirom na relevantnost problematike komercijalizma u XXI. stoljeću, kič se kao tema bez problema uklapa u Kurikulum nastavnog predmeta Likovna kultura za osnovne škole i Likovna umjetnost za gimnazije unutar cjeline Umjetnost i moć. Tema ispreplitanja umjetnosti i popularne kulture, eksploatacije i komodifikacija umjetničkih djela povezana je kroz temu kiča u prijedlozima tri nastavna sata, koji su raščlanjeni na predavanje, učeničko istraživanje te izlaganje učeničkih rezultata. |
Abstract (english) | The term kitsch derives from the german verb kitschen, which Münich art dealers used to describe as quickly made, cheap items at the end of the 19th century. Even though the term wasn't used in scientific literature until the beginning of the 20th century, it undeniably corresponds to the term „bad taste“, which was firstly analysed by philosophers David Hume and Immanuel Kant. Kitsch reaches its pinnacle during the second half of the 20th century during the first appearance of mass markets. Inexpensive kitsch-items were manufactured to appeal to the majority. Kitsch-Mensch were thereby shaped into consumers, as well as creators of bad taste. Authors such as Gustav Pazaurek, Hermann Broch, Clement Greenberg, Gilles Dorfles, Ludwig Giesz and Umberto Eco studied the phenomenon of Kitsch. It occurs in various forms, from politics, religion, tourism, fashion, pornography to traditional forms of art. Considering its relevance, kitsch as a subject matter can be easily incorporated in the teaching of highschool subject Visual Arts. Topics of art and popular culture, exploitation and commodification of works of art are connected through the subject of kitsch in the proposals of three 45 minute classes. The first lecture introduces the definition and characteristics of kitsch-objects, followed by students group research and, lastly, presentations of the students' results. |