Title Istraživanje i izrada kopije s rekonstruiranim dijelovima kamene barokne skulpture sv. Mihaela iz Sopota i njenog postolja
Title (english) Research and creation of the copy with reconstructed parts of the baroque stone sculpture of St. Michael from Sopot and its pedestal
Author David Pekić
Mentor Ida Blažičko (mentor)
Mentor Alen Novoselec (komentor)
Committee member Zvjezdana Jembrih (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Božičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoj Šatović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts (Department of Conservation and Restoration) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-02-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Kamena barokna skulptura s prikazom arkanđela Mihaela pronađena je na raskrižju dviju cesta koje vode od Sopota prema Višnjevcu i Vražjoj peći, u blizini grada Pregrade u Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji. Skulptura je zatečena u izrazito oštećenom i zapuštenom stanju, te je zahtijevala provođenje postupaka preventivne zaštite i drugih konzervatorskih postupaka radi sprječavanja daljnjeg propadanja. Odsjek za konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnina Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 2016. godine surađuje s Ministarstvom kulture i medija – Konzervatorskim odjelom u Krapini po pitanju istraživanja, provođenja svih konzervatorsko-restauratorskih postupaka na originalnoj skulpturi, kao i dogovora o njenom smještaju, te izradi kopije i načinu njene prezentacije. Konzerviranje skulpture izvodilo se u sklopu nastave na Odsjeku za konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnina Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Radovi na skulpturi se mogu podijeliti prema vrsti izvođenja, odnosno u dvije faze. Prva faza bila je konzerviranje koje uključuje zaštitu skulpture, a druga faza rekonstrukcija nedostajućih dijelova originalne skulpture na izrađenom gipsanom odljevu, te naposljetku izrada kopije u kamenu. Tijekom provođenja 1. faze radova u 2016. godini prikupljeni su i istraženi podaci o skulpturi i o situaciji in situ, na osnovi kojih je skulptura početkom 2017. godine uvrštena u Listu preventivno zaštićenih dobara Republike Hrvatske. Skulptura sv. Mihaela je jedina poznata sačuvana javna kamena plastika s tim ikonografskim prikazom u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj. Skulptura se prvi put spominje 1742. godine, a o njoj piše i hrvatska povjesničarka umjetnosti Doris Baričević u svojoj knjizi “Barokno kiparstvo sjeverne Hrvatske”, a spominje ju i hrvatska povjesničarka umjetnosti i konzervatorica Anđela Horvat u odlomku “Pregled spomenika kulture općine Pregrada” knjige “Pregrada i okolica”. Nažalost, povijest ove skulpture je u velikoj mjeri tajnovita zbog zanemarenosti od strane struke, što je rezultiralo uskraćivanjem povijesnih činjenica koje bi nas u najboljoj nadi dovele do porijekla skulpture. U prvom dijelu diplomskog rada stavljen je naglasak na povijesno-istraživački dio, dok se u drugom dijelu rada opisuje način izrade kopije skulpture s rekonstruiranim dijelovima. Nakon izvedenih konzervatorskih radova skulptura i njezino postolje uvršteni su u stalni postav Muzeja grada Pregrade. Kopija izvorne skulpture s rekonstrukcijama će se, prema dogovoru, vratiti na mjesto pronalaska izvorne skulpture, dok bi se za stručno uređenje lokacije krajobraznim planiranjem i uređenjem, pobrinuo grad Pregrada. Tako ovo kulturno dobro neće biti uskraćeno javnosti, nego će postati dio zajednice kao sjećanje i svjedočanstvo materijalne i nematerijalne baštine in situ.
Abstract (english) Baroque stone sculpture depicting the archangel Michael was found at the intersection of two roads leading from Sopot to Višnjevac and Vražja Peć, near the town of Pregrada in Krapina-Zagorje County. The sculpture was found in an extremely damaged and neglected state and required preventive protection and other conservation procedures to prevent further deterioration. Since 2016, the Art Conservation and Restoration Department of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Zagreb has been cooperating with the Ministry of Culture and Media – Conservation Department in Krapina on the issue of research, implementation of all conservation-restoration procedures on the original sculpture, as well as agreements on its placement and production of the copy and its presentation method. The conservation of the sculpture was carried out as part of the curriculum at the Department of Art Conservation and Restoration of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Zagreb. Works on the sculpture can be divided according to the type of execution, i.e. in two phases. The first phase was conservation, which includes the protection of the sculpture, and the second phase was the reconstruction of the missing parts of the original sculpture and the creation of a copy. During the 1st phase of the works in 2016, information about the sculpture and the situation on site was gathered and researched. The sculpture was included in the Register of Cultural Property of the Republic of Croatia in early 2017. Sculpture of St. Michael is the only known preserved public stone sculpture with this iconographic representation in northwestern Croatia. The sculpture was mentioned for the first time in 1742, and Croatian art historian Doris Baričević wrote about it in her book "Baroque Sculpture of Northern Croatia", and it was also mentioned by Croatian art historian and conservator Anđela Horvat also mentioned it in the section "Overview of cultural monuments of Pregrada Municipality" in the book "Pregrada and Surroundings". Unfortunately, the history of this sculpture is largely secret due to neglect by experts, which resulted in the denial of historical facts that would hopefully lead us to the origin of the sculpture. In the first part of the thesis, emphasis is placed on the historical and research part, while the second part describes the method of making a copy of the sculpture with reconstructed parts. After the conservation works, the sculpture and its stand were included in the permanent exhibition of the Museum of the City of Pregrada. According to the agreement, a copy of the original sculpture with reconstructions will be returned to the place where the original sculpture was found, while the City of Pregrada will take care of the professional arrangement of the location through landscape planning and landscaping. Thus, this cultural property will not be denied to the public but will become part of the community as memory and testimony of tangible and intangible heritage in situ.
sv. Mihael ubija vraga
kamena barokna skulptura
Keywords (english)
St. Michael defeats the devil
stone baroque sculpture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:215:386541
Study programme Title: Conservation and Restoration; specializations in: Painting, Sculpture Course: Painting Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina (magistar/magistra restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-04-29 13:09:13