Sažetak | Svrha ovog rada je pomoću doživljaja sebe i kroz kontekst vizualnog izražavanja istražiti psihološki razvoj djece različitih nacionalnosti i kultura (Talijani, Nijemci, Austrijanci, Rusi i drugi) za vrijeme njihovog boravka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Problem istraživanja proizlazi iz prevelike zadanosti radioničkog programa u koji su djeca uključena. Program je već određen zadanom tematikom koja se odnosi na određene naslove crtanih filmova, priča ili bajki. Unaprijed određeni crtani filmovi su: Aladdin, Indians i Madagascar. Teme i priče koje su određene su: Welcome, Ecomania, World of Magic, Around the World, Fruit land, Talent show, Clown's night, Sea family games i Game land. Djeca različitih nacionalnosti u Mini Club atelieru na zadanu temu dana rade nešto vezano uz taj dan na ponuđenu im temu, što u velikoj mjeri ograničava njihov kreativni razvoj. Cilj istraživanja bio je ponuditi novu dimenziju tog programa uvođenjem identifikacije djece različitih nacionalnosti s određenim likom iz crtanih filmova, priča ili bajki. Istraživanjem se pokušalo odgovoriti na sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: u kojoj mjeri životni kontekst djece različitih kultura utječe na njihov trenutni boravak te na koji način likovi iz crtanih filmova, priča i bajki (već određena zadana tematika) mogu utjecati na kreativnost i bolju komunikaciju sa sobom i okolinom prikazivanjem sebe kroz određene uloge? Očekivalo se psihološko i emocionalno uključivanje djece drugih nacionalnosti u kreativni proces kroz određene likove iz crtanih filmova, priča ili bajki koje su, pak, sami odabrali. Korisnost rada je sagledavanje različitosti u prikazivanju više emocionalnih stanja tijekom stvaranja u drugoj zemlji, u ovom slučaju u Republici Hrvatskoj. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this work is to, with the help of the impression of our self and context through visual expression, exploring the psychological development of children who belong to different nations and cultures (Italians, Germans, Austrians, Russians, etc.) during their stay in Croatia. The research problem arises from the excessive givens of the workshops in which children are included. The program is already made with certain topics referred to certain cartoon characters, stories or fairy tales. The cartoons that are given are Aladdin, Indians, Madagascar. Topics and themes that are made are Welcome, Ecomania, World of Magic, Around the World, Fruit land, Talent show, Clown’s night, See family games and Game land. Children with different nationalities through Mini Club atelier must draw, make, paint, create, etc on the given topic of that day. Whatever they want related to the given topic. This completely limits their creative development. The purpose of this research is to give a new dimension of this program, by introducing the identification of children with different nationalities with certain character of a tale, story or cartoon. We are interested to see in which manner the living context of children who belong to different nationalities impacts their current stay. In which manner characters from cartoons, tales or stories (already given topics) can impact on the creativity and better communication with themselves and the environment by showing themselves through a certain character. The research will be made using predominantly qualitative methods elaborated with the instruments of research (questionnaire, Likert scale, table for assessing visual works, etc.) The expected results are psychological and emotional inclusion of children with different nationalities in the creative process through a certain character of their own choosing. The usefulness of the work is to overview the difference in thinking, showing, emotional state, etc. during their creative creations in another country (Croatia). |