Sažetak | Svrha ovog istraživanja je razvoj mentalnih sposobnosti odnosno savladavanje tehnike gledanja. Problem iz kojeg proizlazi ovo istraživanje je život učenika u doba digitalnih medija, dinamičnih reklama, animacija, svjetlosnih projekcija, doba prezasićenja vizualnih informacija. U manjkavosti spoznaja ljudskih sposobnosti, učenici imaju poteškoća fokusa, centriranja, uživanja mira te jasnog iščitavanja okoline. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio odgovoriti na pitanje kako će učenici reagirati na jednostavne geometrijske likove putem promatranja i novousvojenih tehnika gledanja i disanja. Ako učenici mogu savladati te tehnike putem likovnog uratka, onda to djelo postaje alatom mentalne naravi. Učenici će moći koristiti svoje alate za postizanje unutarnjeg mira, fokusiranja, meditacije ili pak jasnog čitanja likovnih i kompozicijskih elemenata i slično. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kvalitativnom metodom, a mjerni instrumenti bili su upitnik za učenike, bilješke s nastavnih sati i likovni uradci učenika. Rezultatima istraživanja odgovoreno je na istraživačka pitanja. Prvim primjerom dvaju točaka na bijeloj površini ispitivali smo stereoskopsko promatranje i duljine fokusa učenika. Na sljedećem primjeru ponovili smo sadržaj prethodnog zadatka, razlika je promjena promatranja novonastale slike i mogućnost primjedbe stereoskopske tehnike gledanja. Sljedećim zadatkom 3, ispitivali smo centriranje zelenog kvadrata, defokus istog, provjerili smo uspješnost promatranja komplementarnog para boja. Ponavljanjem istog principa prvog zadatka provjeravali smo učeničku sposobnost prilagodbe tehnici gledanja. No, za razliku od prvog zadatka, umjesto točaka, postavili smo dva kruga dominantnih boja plave i crvene. Time smo, dakle, istraživali utjecaj boja na promatranje stereograma. Sljedećim zadatkom ponovili smo primjer, ovdje smo istraživali koliko učenika uspijeva nakon promatranja stereograma vidjeti novonastali ljubičasti krug, koliko oštro promatraju geometrijski lik kruga i mogu li uočiti defokusom u postefektu svjetla na retini komplementarni par ljubičastoj na bijeloj površini. Zadanim zadatkom ispitivali smo koliko učenika uspijeva promatranjem akromatskih mrlja, vidjeti novonastali portret. Očekivalo se da učenici na početku istraživanja imaju problem pažnje i strpljivosti, a nakon istraživanja su mogli koristiti tehnike gledanja tj. centriranja, prepoznavanja komplementarnih boja u svakodnevnim situacijama odnosno jasnije razabrati vizualne informacije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purposes of this research are the development of mental abilities to overcome technique of viewing. The problem arises from this study is the life of children in the age of digital media, dynamic commercials, animations, light projections, supersaturated of visual information. In the shortcoming of cognition and human abilities, children have a hard time to focus, center and enjoy in strong acuity in the reading of the environment. Therefore, the goal of this research is to answer the question how will students react to simple art forms through viewing, using newly adapted techniques of seeing and breathing. If students can overcome those techniques through artwork, then work of arts becomes a tool for mental nature. So, students will learn how to use their tools for achieving inner peace, focus, meditation or acuity in reading art forms, composition elements and similar. We conducted research with the qualitative method, our metric instrument was an online test for students, with study outcome we answered questions of research. With an example of two dots on a white screen, we questioned stereoscopic possibilities and the length of student's focus. The following questionnaire we repeated visual example, the difference from the first task was to observe the newly created image, too notice stereogram. The next task was to center the green square, and the defocus of the same, we examined the success of observing the complementary pairs of colors. By repeating the principle of the first task, we examined the students' ability to adapt to the viewing technique. By contrast, we set two circles in the dominant colors of red and blue, so we investigated the effect of color on observing stereograms. Likewise, we repeat an example, but we are examining how many students can focus their eyes on the newly formed circle of purple color, how sharply they observe the circle's shape, and can the defocus technique detect a complementary pair of purple on the white surface after color saturation in the retina. Lastly, we questioned how many students succeeded in observing a newly created portrait based on observing black-and-white stains. We were expecting difficulties in achieving focus, attention, and patience, as well, we expected a shift after exploring and gaining experience on stereograms and complementary pairs of colors. Therefore, students with experience gained can use the techniques of stereoscopic viewing, centering, and recognition of complementary pairs in everyday situations, as well as improving the clarity and sharpness of visual information through these techniques. |